We’ve been talking about “TEXT LOVE”. Text Love is the current style of teen relationships. It’s superficial and short-lived. It’s quick (started in seconds), easy (the touch of your fingertips), and casual (no long conversations or challenging content). It’s kind of like fast-food, well intentioned but without any substance. These relational qualities sound attractive at first but after deeper understanding one can clearly see its short-comings. Rather than developing authentic personal relationships with the sense of friendship and community we all crave, we have short-changed ourselves redefining love and the purpose of relationships.
To counter these trends teens will have to make some changes, starting with themselves. To find your future mate and true love you must first become someone who is worthy of true love (one person says "dateable"). To put it another way, you must focus on being the right person before finding the right person to date. It starts with you; you becoming a HGG.
HGG is a 2 part ending to our series. We will talk about what it means to become a Hot Godly Guy or Hot Godly Girl.
1 Kings 2-3
A HGG is serious about his walk (2:1-3)
In this passage King David is passing his legacy on to his son, Solomon. David was acclaimed for his military strength and leadership but also for his passionate heart to worship God. The last charge before his death given to his son encouraged Solomon to walk with God. David understood there is no substitute for godliness and integrity. To be a man, Solomon was to remain faithful to God and obey his commands.
Consistent godly character and integrity are lacking among today’s teens. It’s not that there is not evidence of these things. It’s just that teen godliness and discipleship are rare rather than the norm. This is an unfortunate trend and requires immediate attention. I believe it starts with parents and funnels down to the teens. Parents must take back the spiritual responsibility of raising their children they have neatly handed off to the programmatic church. God has given this stewardship to parents and the church is to support and encourage the home. Parents can start by making Jesus and His Word a priority in the home. Reading, discussing and applying Scripture must become part of family routines. However, be careful that this is not a superficial or short-lived act. Teens can easily spot spiritual frauds. Likewise, teens can begin to realize the difficulty of choosing and maintaining priorities. You cannot be, have or do all the things you would like in life. Activities, trips, experiences must be carefully and perhaps strategically selected for intentional purposes. Ask, why am I doing this? How will this benefit my personal/spiritual growth? Some difficult choices may need to be made but with faithful commitments a foundation can be laid for a life time of walking with God.
A HGG is serious about his family (2:4).
Solomon was challenged to remain faithful to God and walk in his ways, keeping the commandments. In doing so, Solomon would continue the legacy of his father. God promised Solomon’s father, David that the royal throne of Israel would not be taken from his descendants. In fact, the promised Messiah would come from David’s line. However, this was dependent on faithfulness to walking with God.
This is overlooked in a society where children often rebel against authority, parents and ultimately God. Parent’s should be mindful to make early and frequent investments in their children so they are able to value carrying the legacy of walking with God. Children should understand that their decisions and actions impact more than their own life. The way a child lives his/her life affects parents, family members and even more, future generations. God told Moses & the Israelites that he would punish “the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation… but show love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments” (Exodus 20:5-6). The point of application is your life and walk is more than being about only yourself; it affects countless others.
A HGG is serious about his influence (3:1-14)
Later, Solomon would take over as Israel’s king. God granted Solomon the opportunity to have his desires fulfilled. Solomon could have requested worldly pleasure but instead chose eternal influence. He asked God for wisdom to govern and discern right and wrong. As king over an entire nation, he needed spiritual wisdom to lead others to following the ways of God. Solomon’s influence was known throughout the whole world (see ch. 10) and has lasted even to modern times.
A HGG is someone who looks at the world around them and sees opportunity to make a difference for Jesus. God has gifted and shaped every person with skills and abilities to help others and glorify God. HGG’s are not content to be spectators but active participants in what God is doing in and through them.
In conclusion, those ladies who are looking for a man should look for one with these characteristics. Seeking one who has prioritized his life around things that matter, eternal essentials (Walk – God); seeking one who is selfless, respectful and honoring to others (Family); and seeking one who is not a crowd follower but a leader and difference maker (Influence). Are you a HGG? Are you looking for a HGG?
· Describe “TEXT LOVE” in your own words. How does your definition compare to Dave’s? What do you think are possible consequences of this trend in teen relationships?
· Why is becoming a HGG important?
· What does it mean to be serious about your walk with Jesus? What beliefs and behaviors does such a person have?
· Do you think teen discipleship is a rarity rather than a norm? Explain.
· Discuss how your actions can impact other people in your family and perhaps even friends.
· What can our family do to show we are serious about each other and about God?
Monday, February 2, 2009
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